How Many Tailed Beasts Are There

How Many Tailed Beasts Are There 5,0/5 6720 votes

The tailed beasts (尾獣, bijū), sometimes referred to as 'Chakra Monsters' (チャクラの. Because of their immense power, the tailed beasts were sought out. Or for each other, instead referring to each other by how many tails they have. Aug 25, 2013  I thought 9 but i saw 10????? Yahoo Answers Sign in Sign in Mail ⚙ Help.

  1. All Tailed Beasts In Naruto

All Tailed Beasts In Naruto

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Every single beast in One Piece? There are hundreds of thousands of aquatic beasts some of which are as big as small islands and considering that One Piece has 6 moons, the planet is many times larger than earth, so this number is likely not even close to the number of Sea Kings. Factor in every beast like dinosaurs, giants, mythical creatures like Oni's etc and the numbers are a bit too much here, not to mention that actually combating small island sized Sea Kings underwater is going to be problematic to say the least for the Tailed Beasts since most of them swim at depths of 5000 feet or more. Then there are beasts that live in the sky and some even reside in space. Some beasts are as strong or stronger than Gear 4 Luffy.

I know the Bijuu can bust mountains and such but I don't see them beating every beast on the planet, in the sky and in space, not when they could run out of stamina and they have to get to their habitat and be at a disadvantage.there are still some places and creatures that have yet to be revealed. : That is a false thought process.

Moons vary in size. Our moon is fairly large.Look at Mars, its moons are so small they aren't worth comparing and are more akin to asteroids then moons. Mars is fairly close to Earth size.Venus, which is almost exactly the same size as Earth, has no moons at all.Uranus and Saturn are both way smaller then Jupiter, yet they have far more moons then Jupiter does.So, to recap, the amount of moons a planet has does not reference its size, at all, because 'moon' or just 'orbiting satellites' can vary greatly in size, and more over, without knowing the sizes of the moons in One Piece (which we don't) even attempting to use this line of logic is just. : That is a false thought process. Moons vary in size.

Our moon is fairly large.Look at Mars, its moons are so small they aren't worth comparing and are more akin to asteroids then moons. Mars is fairly close to Earth size.Venus, which is almost exactly the same size as Earth, has no moons at all.Uranus and Saturn are both way smaller then Jupiter, yet they have far more moons then Jupiter does.So, to recap, the amount of moons a planet has does not reference its size, at all, because 'moon' or just 'orbiting satellites' can vary greatly in size, and more over, without knowing the sizes of the moons in One Piece (which we don't) even attempting to use this line of logic is just. Wrong.Given the sheer scale of the One Piece world it's only partly speculative that it's bigger than earth, however the theory does have some credibility to it, the general consensus is that it has taken the Straw Hats 3-5 months to complete half their journey before the time-skip, that is sailing all the way to the Grand Line. Oda said this in an SBS I believe, I'll could try to find the source if you wish. There's also the fact that the Rumbar Pirates said it would have taken a few years to sail all around the Grand Line to return to Laboon. Of course pirates take breaks but those traversing the Grand Line don't stay in any place for longer than a few days.Furthermore:without knowing the sizes of the moons in One Piece (which we don't)Actually we do.What Roger said wasn't wholly untrue, just inaccurate to a degree. The sizes of the moons aren't the only thing that should be considered, it's their proximity to earth too.

The much greater gavitational exertion of the satellites onto the planet would be enormous, much greater than our planet. So even if the theory of the planet being bigger isn't true (I believe it is) the beings in One Piece are used to a much higher gravity than normal. :If all those beasts were hiding inside water then doesn't that make auto win for Bijuus as its not like Bijuus were on misson to find eery beast and kill them?OP says every beast in One Piece, the majority of which are sea life. Unless the OP means the fight takes place on some massive land mass which wouldn't make sense because again: sea life.And if they are not hiding inside water or anything, Bijuu vaporised them.Well they are. And some are on sky islands too.

And they don't hide there, they live there. :If all those beasts were hiding inside water then doesn't that make auto win for Bijuus as its not like Bijuus were on misson to find eery beast and kill them?OP says every beast in One Piece, the majority of which are sea life.

Unless the OP means the fight takes place on some massive land mass which wouldn't make sense because again: sea life.And if they are not hiding inside water or anything, Bijuu vaporised them.Well they are. And some are on sky islands too.OP says every beast but nowhere it was mentioned that Bijuu has to go and find everyone in One Piece.

If every beast in OP is not even confronting Bijuu then how does this thread make a difference. If everyone in OP are hiding in their evironment then Bijuu and just stand there and exclaim victors.And by your statement, some beast in OP are hiding in space, then how do you supposed to make a fight of them with Bijuu which most of them can't even fly?It was clear the OP's intention is to make everyone confront them at once otherwise this thread doesn't make any sense as sky creatures will never confront Bijuus. OP says every beast but nowhere it was mentioned that Bijuu has to go and find everyone in One Piece. If every beast in OP is not even confronting Bijuu then how does this thread make a difference. : Given the sheer scale of the One Piece world it's only partly speculative that it's bigger than earth, however the theory does have some credibility to it, the general consensus is that it has taken the Straw Hats 3-5 months to complete half their journey before the time-skip, that is sailing all the way to the Grand Line.Mind, I never said it was or was not bigger, my argument was saying a planet has more moons = bigger is a flawed concept. More moons does not suggest a larger planet.

(As, I mentioned before, Mars has double the amount of moons as Earth, yet it is smaller. Saturn has far more moons then Jupiter, yet is smaller then Jupiter.) You have moons that are roughly the size of asteroids, a planet could have twenty of these and still not be larger then Mars.Oda said this in an SBS I believe, I'll could try to find the source if you wish.I wouldn't mind seeing it.There's also the fact that the Rumbar Pirates said it would have taken a few years to sail all around the Grand Line to return to Laboon. Of course pirates take breaks but those traversing the Grand Line don't stay in any place for longer than a few days.Given how the waters in their world act (needing to hop rides on monsters sometimes), it doesn't surprise me that it takes significantly longer to complete journeys then it does on our world. Especially the effects all these moons would have on their oceans.Neat, I didn't know they had a model for it. I assumed it was just something they mentioned or saw in the night sky during a few of the episodes.Their two largest moons seem to be the same size ratio compared to their planet as the moon is to ours. The other ones are not quite as large, but interesting that the farthest moon has its own orbiting satellite.

Not that it means said moon is large as even the dwarf planet pluto has numerous moons yet is smaller then our moon.But as I mentioned before, I was not debating if One Piece has a larger world or not, what I was debating was the flawed notion that More Moons = Bigger Planet. In any sense of the word.

Gravitational forces are another thing, but more moons does not imply a larger planet mass. :Mind, I never said it was or was not bigger, my argument was saying a planet has more moons = bigger is a flawed concept. More moons does not suggest a larger planet. (As, I mentioned before, Mars has double the amount of moons as Earth, yet it is smaller. Saturn has far more moons then Jupiter, yet is smaller then Jupiter.) You have moons that are roughly the size of asteroids, a planet could have twenty of these and still not be larger then Mars.Sure.I wouldn't mind seeing it.Eh, this could take a while. In the mean time, a time line that is accurate IMO.Given how the waters in their world act (needing to hop rides on monsters sometimes), it doesn't surprise me that it takes significantly longer to complete journeys then it does on our world.

Especially the effects all these moons would have on their oceans.Most just use ships, hopping on monsters is something I rarely see.Neat, I didn't know they had a model for it. I assumed it was just something they mentioned or saw in the night sky during a few of the episodes.Their two largest moons seem to be the same size ratio compared to their planet as the moon is to ours. The other ones are not quite as large, but interesting that the farthest moon has its own orbiting satellite. Not that it means said moon is large as even the dwarf planet pluto has numerous moons yet is smaller then our moon.But as I mentioned before, what I was not debating was if One Piece has a larger world or not, what I was debating was the flawed notion that More Moons = Bigger Planet. In any sense of the word. Gravitational forces are another thing, but more moons does not imply a larger planet mass.Cool. : Reverse Mountain, that was only just one part of the world though, one of two entrances to the Grand Line.Indeed, but given its mere existence.

Seems sailing is rather difficult the further you go which would explain why it takes so long.It didn't take the Straw Hats that long to travel it. It's one of few areas where sailing is especially difficult, other times it's what you would expect from sailing through oceans. The Calm Belt is the hardest part of the world to travel through, it's virtually impossible but this doesn't apply to the Straw Hats since they didn't take that route.Here's a of the first half of the Grand Line. : It didn't take the Straw Hats that long to travel it. It's one of few areas where sailing is especially difficult, other times it's what you would expect from sailing through oceans.

The Calm Belt is the hardest part of the world to travel through, it's virtually impossible but this doesn't apply to the Straw Hats since they didn't take that route.Here's a of the first half of the Grand Line.Considering it is either go on the extremely rough patch or find a way up a mountain that goes the opposite way, I am not sure where you are going with it not being extremely difficult. : It didn't take the Straw Hats that long to travel it.

It's one of few areas where sailing is especially difficult, other times it's what you would expect from sailing through oceans. The Calm Belt is the hardest part of the world to travel through, it's virtually impossible but this doesn't apply to the Straw Hats since they didn't take that route.Here's a of the first half of the Grand Line.Considering it is either go on the extremely rough patch or find a way up a mountain that goes the opposite way, I am not sure where you are going with it not being extremely difficult.It was difficult but we are literally just talking about one mountain which has a level of difficulty that doesn't apply to the rest of the world.

It's not like it took them days either. : jinchurikii were stated even more powerful over any hostless beast. Regardless of the offscreen, we know the capabilities the members and so we know how outclassed it would be against certain beasts in opverse. : Yugito was stated to have had control of her beast aside from Killer B.

It was a statement that was meant to clarify and will be taken into consideration. Just like guys (stans) like to use the kaguya-genjutsu thing (which wasn't shown) to their aid in debates regarding whether or not it works naturally outverse.Aside from that, the beasts that are killed in OP are done so by guys who physically outclass most of naruto. Unless you believe there was a way hidan could've beaten say, the sea king that vice admiral momonga quickly dispatched of back at Amazon lily. But then that would mean you believed maybe Shikamaru could've done so? : don't know why you tagged but read only a bit because I know you and where that'll go. Context you say? So up against beasts that he can't drown, and that don't have chakra for him to drain(context remember- your words), what would kisame do?

After using his most powerful jutsu to say maybe take down one- two, he'd be fish food. You know the same way he died, to sharks. Once again though, chakra. Same thing genjutsu needs for it to work; since you brought it up.

Don't know why you guys nitpick around what you want to use from naruto in debates.

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