Mount And Blade Warband Siege Tower

Mount And Blade Warband Siege Tower 3,5/5 7198 votes

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord release date – all the latest details on gameplay, beta, and mods Mods, combat, sieges, trailers, and skills - here's everything we know about TaleWorlds' ambitious. Native Expansion in a nutshell is just that - an extension of the original game, Mount & Blade (and now Warband). Whereas many other mods strive to differentiate themselves by radically changing the game or its mechanics, NE is an attempt to take the same awesome gameplay experience which makes M&B so fun and put it on steroids, by adding missing features, fixing native bugs and extending.

Holy., if ever there was a 'best build of M&B', this is it. I was an Outrider on my first playthrough, and later builds didn't come close.

Look at those pros and cons - NO weaknesses, only strengths. An incredibly balanced and versatile build with the potential to excel in any role, although it will take a bit of time to master (see 'the Art of Outriding' below). Outriders are classified as 'light knights' - you'll still be wearing heavy knight armor (a bit lighter than Paladins or Chargers), but you'll be riding a much faster and more agile horse (Hunter = personal favourite breed) with good durability. Your primary weapons - yes, you'll have two of them - are the Sword of War (massive 2h sword) and lance (which you'll only really use for skewering other horsemen). The bow is a secondary weapon, but one you'll be using a lot of it - for me, almost 50% of kills. Finding a good balance for using these weapons

to use them is essential for excelling as an Outrider. If facing mainly melee infantry, start out in a flat-out charge straight at your foe's main group. If facing mainly melee archers, veer off early from the main group and start flanking the enemy main body. You should start out wielding a bow, so firing (even if you're flanking, you should really only be going.around. so that you are now charging straight at the enemy body from the side) into the throngs of enemies shouldnt be too difficult. Just keep firing while charging (top speed) until you've cut the distance to the main enemy group to about 30-40% left (this part takes some experimentation and practice).

At this point, switch to your polearm (a good lance). At your current speed, the lance should couch almost immediately. Aim yourself towards the very center of the enemy horde and angle the lance slightly downward (you're on a horse, remember?). Charge right through - yes, THROUGH - the main horde, skewering or running over (the Heavy Hunter has a pretty good charge) as many unfortunate saps in your way. You should easily plow through the group (as long as its not more than 6-7 deep), even on slight-moderate inclines (such is the greatness of the Hunter).

Continue on through for a few seconds, turn sharply (you may need to reduce speed a bit), and (still with your lance), make another charge through like in iii). Depending on how many enemies are left, repeat 1-2 more times. Now the lance has served its purpose, so switch to your sword of war, and charge through areas of high enemy density, lopping off heads. Keep passing through, killing any foes that stray away from the main pack.

You should have no problem chasing them down. 2h weapons like the Sword of War work best from horseback if you wind them up and swing as you pass by your target (giving you a massive bonus to damage). Keep going with the 2h until enemies are dead. Shouldn't take long, no problem, etc. You want to be one of the first up the ladder, so charge towards that ladder (or siege tower).

Start with your bow - you won't need an ungodly-high archery skill to start knocking defenders off the remparts. Keep sniping until you run out of arrows or reach the ladder, whichever comes first. At this point, switch to your 2h weapon (close clombat = lances are useless) and wind up a swing. Charge up the ladder, release your swing, and keep swingin'.


Your excellent attack power and agility will make up for the weight of your weapon, and you'll soon carve a path through the wall defenders. You should still have almost all of your health right now. Now that the walls have been cleared, move down the stairs into the courtyard, where the real fray begins - 3-4 waves of decent melee defenders. You can safely get into the middle of the fray and start hacking away 360 degrees. Once your HP reacher 30-40%, move towards the edges of the fray and withc to your lance. Target individual defenders separated from the main group - the lance's reach should help keep them away from you. Once your HP falls to less than 20% (and the battle is somehow still going on) make your way quickly back onto the walls overlooking the courtyard, pull out your bow, and start felling defenders.

If anyone comes after you, just whip out the ol' 2h and giv'em quick hell. If your army is half as good as you are, you should win easily. If you are defending a castle, wait just behind the main line, against the remparts, and use your bow to knock down advancing invaders. You're shooting downward, so don't worry too much about arcing. Headshots are WAY easier now. I can usually take out half the invading army before I have to switch weapons (you can scavenge tons of arrows by picking up the ones enemies shoot your way - none of them will hit you, they're firing upwards).

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When the invaders that weren't headshot make their way to the foot of the ladder, switch to 2h and wind up a swing. From there, just keep swinging at oncoming enemies and laugh as they fall uselessly from the ladder. Hopefully you have a Sentinel or good defenders (i.e. Huscarls) at the forefront, so don't worry about taking any damage. By the time they penetrate the walls (if they do), you should be able to deal with anyone left (2h is best). I mean really, charge - flat out, top speed, head on.

Start out with the bow and keep sniping while charging. When you've closed the distance to 30% left, switch to your lance (which will couch almost immediately). Like running down infantry, angle your couched lance directly at ONE targeted cavalry target - if you try to go 'kind of through the mass' you'll end up missing everyone. So pick one and stick with him/her. Lance through them such that your own horse passes.beside. your target's horse (horses can't run over other horses) while angling your lance tip (w/ mouse) right at the area between your target and his/her horse.

Warband siege tips

This way you'll take out both the rider and horse so nobody else can use it (awww, so mean). It also reduces the chance of missing your target. After the initial charges, the chase phase will begin. Both armies will split off into many small groups of cavalry from both sides chasing each other.

If you let it play out, the AIs will take a LONG time to fight it out, so time for you to intervene. Catch up to one of the chase groups, and start flanking - run at around the same speed beside the lead enemy. At regular intervals, the enemy AI will veer away from the main straight running course to curve either left or right, usually in your direction (to hit you??? Not really sure, but it's what happens.). You should still have your lance couched at this point, so as soon as you see the enemy start veering, start turning yourself, and continue your turn right.through. the foe (lance tip at the level of the rider's bottom).

Warband Siege Tips

Instant kill. And there you have it.

Mount And Blade Warband Siege Tower Castles

Just rinse and repeat and horsemen will fall (same for horse archers; knights are actually easier to kill this way).

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