Battlefield Bad Company 2 Fov

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Fov 3,9/5 9487 votes

Bad Company 2 Field Of View Guide (FOV Tweak) Now field of view variable in settings.ini of Battlefield Bad Company 2 is vertical instead of horizontal. But, changing the vertical FOV does change. I've now just finally started the single player campaign in BC2 but the FOV is awful (looks like the default 55 degrees). Bad Company 2: How to increase FOV in single player campaign. Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Patch v795745. Here's a manual update for the non-Steam version of the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 client. It includes many fixes (among them, one for 3D vision) and some tweaks. This patch addresses many of the community's biggest issues and requested fixes from feedback. Here is the complete fix-list for the patch.

  1. Battlefield Bad Company 2 Cheats

Oh ok, thanks for the info.i'm not too interested in the MP for a few reasons. 1) i dont like how quickly you can die in there 2) seems like theres a big learning curve+i'm not very good at it and i dont have much time to figure it all out 3) the first time i played cod:mw2 MP i died really easily from dudes that were really good. Apparently theres an RPG-ish build up your character kidn of thing that doesn't really appeal to me. 4) any kind of deathmatch just doesnt appeal to me as much as q3 did (dm perfection!).

As someone who has never played any of these type of 'warfare' fps, the MP beta for BC2 is downright fucking annoying. It seems like they handed me nerf guns while everyone else is playing on instagib mode. I can't even snipe because the scope is so fucking terrible that guys with assault rifles pick me off first. I spend most of my time either completely missing the combat zone or being killed by people I never see.

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Cheats

Then you do see people and you get killed reloading because the other faggot has a better kit. Well, this sucks a lot of ass. Can't even launch the SP.

Stupid thing tells me that my computer isn't online and that it can't verify ownership. I had originally chosen the online authorization instead of disc authorization, so when it didn't work I uninstalled and reinstalled choosing disc authorization instead. So, it's still telling me that it can't find a connection and I can't even play the fucking thing. So, I'm uninstalling it again.Great.This sort of bullshit is why I'm not even bothering trying most of these games on the PC - even though I'd much rather play an FPS on a mouse/keyboard setup. Picked it up today. I wish the FOV was the same as MW2 - I'm playing that game again through on Veteran and think its controls/view are implemented much better.


Seems like the humor aspect has been toned down a bit in Battlefiled BC 2 from what I've seen thus far. I hope it picks up a bit later on - that was a draw with the first one and I think its something this game needs. To those of you who are further along, does humor play a part in the writing later on?Yea, I've been laughing my ass off. After you get out of Japan you actually take control of Bad Company from then on out.There is lots of 'Sweet jesus you crazy fucking liberal hippy', 'lets go un-fuck this situation', and commentary on their favorite scenes from Predator.The sound quality has me more impressed than the graphics to be honest.

The guns are all very distinctive and change dramatically within the environment. The way they squeeze in all the sounds during a battle is intense. Picked it up today.

Battlefield bad company 2 cheats

I wish the FOV was the same as MW2 - I'm playing that game again through on Veteran and think its controls/view are implemented much better. Seems like the humor aspect has been toned down a bit in Battlefiled BC 2 from what I've seen thus far. I hope it picks up a bit later on - that was a draw with the first one and I think its something this game needs. To those of you who are further along, does humor play a part in the writing later on?Yea, I've been laughing my ass off. After you get out of Japan you actually take control of Bad Company from then on out.There is lots of 'Sweet jesus you crazy fucking liberal hippy', 'lets go un-fuck this situation', and commentary on their favorite scenes from Predator.The sound quality has me more impressed than the graphics to be honest.

The guns are all very distinctive and change dramatically within the environment. The way they squeeze in all the sounds during a battle is intense.Ha, best part was when the colonel was debriefing them for the arctic mission and Flynn said 'Fuck spec ops, they'll just send a couple of assholes with pussy-ass heartbeat monitors on their guns!'

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