Star Trek Vesta Class

Star Trek Vesta Class 3,6/5 171 votes

Contents.Overview Named after the Vesta class vessel which served as a test bed for future ship advancements such as the Quantum Slipstream Drive. The Aventine-class has a sharper saucer and its pylons are angled forward - these features give the ship a more sleek profile than the original Vesta. The Aventine class skin is unlocked with the purchase of the Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer. These vessels are quite powerful and equipped with the latest technology Starfleet has to offer.Alternative variants ClassInformationNamed after the Vesta class vessel, the Aventine-class has a sharper saucer and its pylons are angled forward - these features give the ship a more sleek profile than the original Vesta.The Aventine class skin is unlocked with the purchase of the for 2500.The Rademaker-class is a loose hybrid between the Vesta and Aventine classes, sporting a more oval saucer and the largest nacelles. The shuttle bay launch area is wider and illuminated and appears to be covered by a force field.The Rademaker class skin is unlocked with the purchase of the for 2500.The Vesta-class is Starfleet's first Multi-Mission Explorer, entering the service in 2380.

  1. Vesta Class Starship
  2. Odyssey Class

The USS Vesta (NCC-82601) was a Federation Starfleet starship and the prototype of the Vesta-class, in service in the late 24th and early 25th centuries.(TNG novel: Indistinguishable from Magic, STO mission: 'Graduation Day') The USS Vesta is named after the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in Roman religion. History Edit. The Vesta was the first Starfleet vessel designed with a. This limited edition item is not eligible for use with promo codes or discount. Limit 2 per customer. Aventine NCC-82602 is a first generation Vesta-class Federation starship under the command of Captain Ezri Dax.The U.S.S. Aventine appears in Star Trek novels and miniseries, most notably Star Trek: Destiny, and though technically 'non-canon,' was petitioned for addition to the.

Vesta Class Starship


Contents HistoryThe Caelian was one of the original eight Vesta-class starships.In 2410 the ship suffered severe damage during the and was declared and slated for scrap. However, in the face of an imminent attack on the, of hatched a plan to use the Caelian in a suicide run on the involved in the attack. Her plan called for a to set the ship on course to the gateway and use its to disrupt it, then bail out, but the fleet arrived early and forced her to run the operation in person.

Odyssey Class

The technique was successful, forcing the gateway to re-link to a, consuming both the Heralds and the Caelian with all hands. (: )Appendices BackgroundThe Caelian appears to be named for, one of the, as is its sister ship the.Connections. Caelian.

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