Gta 5 Street Race

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Jun 02, 2013  Street races are awesome. No, let me correct that, street races are friggin awesome. I loved the races in GTA 4. Now dont get me wrong, street races are awesome, and I cant wait to see what Rockstar has in store for street races in GTA 5, but Im a.

Street RacesStreet RacingBasicsThe street races will be unlocked after completing various missionsthroughout the game. The first batch will be available after finishingCesar's missions in Los Santos and can be found in Little Mexico markedby the chequered flag on the map. All of the street races are marked bya chequered flag, so they're not hidden or hard to find. Just walk up toone and stand in the red circle then choose which race you want to do.This guide will explain what each race is like, where you have to go,show a map of each route and explain rewards and other details about theraces.

For all races you'll need to speed around the course grabbing thecheckpoints. Each checkpoint will have an arrow showing you thedirection of the next one, and they'll also be marked on your radar.

Gta 5 Street Race

Youwill win $10,000 for each race you successfully win. Once you'vefinished all of the races you'll be rewarded with a huge $1,000,000!All four locations for the race challenges are:- Little Mexico, Los Santos- Downtown, San Fierro- LVA Freight Depot, Las Venturas- Las Venturas Airport (Checkpoint Challenges)Click on a map thumbnail to view the full size version.Los SantosLowrider RaceThe Lowrider Race had to be completed on one of Cesar's Missions, soyou will almost definitely have already completed this race. If youhaven't here are some details:Vehicle Given: BladeTrack Distance: 2.00 KMThis race will most likely have been completed previously, howeverdetails you'll need to know are that the race ends at the pier and takesa few turns through the streets of Vinewood and Market. There is nothingin this race which should cause any sort of problem apart from oncomingtraffic, so just take it easy, brake at relatively hard corners andspeed down the straights.Little LoopVehicle Given: NRG-500Track Distance: 1.00 KMWhile this track is rather small, the fact that you're on a bike makesit a lot more difficult. Of course you can go faster, but it's a loteasier to bail from the bike, and it has a tendency to pull a ratherstupid wheelie when you try to accelerate. You can speed pretty fast,just watch out for other bikers, cars and lamp posts. It's prettydifficult to actually win the race, so you may need to try it a fewtimes before you get it right.

Luckily it's short, so it doesn't taketoo long to do again. The only problem with the length is that itdoesn't give you enough time to catch up if you make a mess of it halfway through.

You'll need a perfect run to win.Backroad WandererVehicle Given: FCR-900Track Distance: 3.00 KMThis race takes you through some extremely dangerous roads at the startwhich are packed with cars. You'll notice a lot of the other bikers goflying, so keep up the pace, but be extremely careful to not bail orcrash. If you can get through this in about third place you should beable to win the race on the way back because the road is relativelyempty. As you get to the hairpin bend at the right of the map below makesure you brake, or you'll go off the side of the hill and be screwed forthe rest of the race. Avoid the traffic and you should be able to catchup and win the race on the way back to the start/finish line.City CircuitVehicle Given: FCR-900Track Distance: 3.00 KMThis race is very straight forward. The course is not difficult in theslightest, although the arrows can be confusing, however just stick tothe road you're on or heading for and you should be fine. As long as youdon't crash into a car you should easily be able to win this race.VinewoodVehicle Given: SunriseTrack Distance: 3.00 KMThis is one of the most difficult street races of them all.

For a startyou're not exactly in the best vehicle for racing, but secondly thecourse is rather extreme too. The start is alright, but just after youpass the Vinewood sign the hills and corners can be pretty hazardousunless you brake and drive carefully. You'll probably watch 3 of the 5opponents speed down a hill and roll their car, so if you maintain yourspeed and drive carefully, you should be able to gain a decent positionbefore the race comes to a close. After the start, the rest is fairlystraight forward. Watch out for the hairpin at the West of the trackthough! If you take the hills just past the Vinewood bridge well andslowly, you should be able to get into first place, and from there justdrive VERY carefully, braking for everything and you will win sooner orlater.FreewayVehicle Given: Super GTTrack Distance: 4.00 KMThis is another relatively hard race, but mainly because of the vehiclesused by both yourself and your opponents.

They're all fast cars,typically what you'd expect to see in a street race, however they aren'tthe best at turning at high speeds and will spin out easily. The race islong with a lot of straights, so even if you make a mistake, you'll havechances to catch back up. Be careful on the highway though, you probablywon't notice how sharp the turns can feel at a high speed. Avoid alltraffic too and if you can get off the freeway in first place, youshould be able to win.Into The CountryVehicle Given: BulletTrack Distance: 8.00 KMDespite the fact this track is insanely long, it's actually incrediblyeasy too.

For a start, you only have 3 other opponents which you canlose by the time you get out of the tunnel next to the airport. Fromthere just carefully speed your way through the industrial traffic andget onto the freeway leading North. It's pretty much straight road allof the way, and cars will stop spawning when you get so fast, so unlessyou completely smash up your car, you should be able to hold togetherlong enough and win by a mile. Even spinning out will give you more thanenough time to get going again before you're caught but spinning out ishard to do thanks to the Bullet's great high-speed handling.Badlands AThe Badlands A street race had to be completed on one of theCountryside Missions, soyou will almost definitely have already completed this race. If youhaven't here are some details:Vehicle Given: SabreTrack Distance: 4.00 KMLooking at the map you'd think this was hard, but it's not really toobad if you ensure you stick to the dirt roads and brake when going overthe top of hills or around sharp bends. Once again you only have 3 otheropponents, and they're a bit slower than you, so providing you don't endup in the drink and drive carefully enough, you'll win this racecomfortably.Badlands BThe Badlands B street race had to be completed on one of theCountryside Missions, soyou will almost definitely have already completed this race. If youhaven't here are some details:Vehicle Given: ZR-500Track Distance: 4.00 KMThis is exactly the same track as Badlands A, however you're doing itfrom end to start so to speak.

I suppose it's sort of like anew track, however just follow the same instructions as listed above forBadlands A, and you should be able to win this one fairly easily too.Once you've won this one, providing you went in order, that's all of theLos Santos Street Races complete.San FierroDirtbike DangerVehicle Given: SanchezTrack Distance: 3.00 KMBikes are always better at handling than cars, so this challenge is moreabout your driving skill than anything else. Just keep up your speed anduse handbrake turns and if you don't make a really bad mistake likefalling off a cliff, you should be able to win this pretty easily.Bandito CountryVehicle Given: BanditoTrack Distance: 3.00 KMThis is once again a rather easy challenge because of the Bandito's nicehandling on poor surfaces. Keep up your speed and brake at the righttimes and you shouldn't have any problems coming ahead of the otherdrivers.Go-Go KartingVehicle Given: KartTrack Distance: 1.00 KMThis race is slightly more difficult than the previous few due to theinsane handling of the kart, and it's in-ability to go over curbs verywell. Anyway, if you hav a good start and get along the alley in firstor second, you shouldn't have too much trouble maintaining the lead.Remember to brake, or just let go of accelerate to slow down whenturning, and avoid traffic, and you should win easily after you get toknow the track.San Fierro FastlaneVehicle Given: AlphaTrack Distance: 2.00 KMThis race is another pretty simple one.

You're in one of the better'average' cars, but so are your opponents, so it's not too difficult tocatch up. The track itself isn't hard, but you need to know where theright places to turn are, which can only really come with experience, soyou might fail the race a few times before you get it right.San Fierro HillsVehicle Given: PhoenixTrack Distance: 8.00 KMThis race again isn't too hard, however the vehicle you're in will blowup very easily. Make sure you don't have any wanted stars beforeattempting it, because you'll need to go at least half way withouttaking any damage to be sure of finishing in one piece. The opponentsaren't hard, the track isn't hard if you brake correctly, but the engineisn't hard either and it'll be smoking with one or two mediumcollisions. It's more of a race between yourself and other traffic thanthe other racers. Make sure you don't smash up the car and you should beable to navigate your way to victory.Country EnduranceVehicle Given: BulletTrack Distance: 10.00 KMJust looking at the map for this one will show you how insane this isgoing to be and how long it's going to take.

Of course the great thingabout a long track means more time to gain time on the other racers, andmore space to use if you need to catch back up. If you can drive, and Iassume you can for getting this far, this should be no problem at all.You'll hardly notice how fast the time passes by as you fly across thecountry and you'll be half way before you know it. From there, providingyou're in first, you can pretty much go as slow as you like and you'llstill win. If course you can speed faster than anything else possiblegoing down some of the hills there, but you need to be careful not tosmash up your car because remember, it's an endurance, not a full blownout sprint. You should actually be able to make it around the track injust over 5 minutes.Las Venturas LVA Freight DepotSF To LVVehicle Given: BansheeTrack Distance: 7.00 KMThis is a fun race which is a sprint to the finish from San Fierro toLas Venturas. It's completely straight forward and your only worrieswill be avoiding traffic and dodging the water.


You can go exceptionallyfast in the Banshee, but you may wish to slow down any time you get nearto water or you'll be sinking your way out of the race. Keep up somespeed to the LV Airport and you'll be the winner.Dam RiderVehicle Given: NRG-500Track Distance: 4.00 KMOnce again this is pretty straight forward, although the sharp turns andwater hazards can be a real pain. Watch out for those rocks if you'retrying to take a shortcut too, or it'll likely take longer than goingthe proper way.

You can take quite a few good shortcuts at the end ofthe race if you need then, but by then you should be far enough in frontto win.Desert TricksVehicle Given: BF-400Track Distance: 4.00 KMThis race isn't exactly harder than the previous one, however it'scloser in terms of opponents. You really need to have a pretty muchperfect run in order to be way out in front when it finishes.

Therearen't any hard sections, but some can be pretty fast and may need youto slow down. Look at any of the corners with less than 90 bends andyou should be thinking about braking.LV RingroadVehicle Given: TurismoTrack Distance: 5.00 KMWhile this may look like the easiest track ever, and it is, there is anincredible amount of traffic swerving back and forth to different lanes,and it's almost impossible to speed around the track at full speedwithout hitting at least one of them.

You can still pull the car backunder control and stay in first place, but after so many crashes yourcar will be up in flames. Stick to the outside, but watch out for theturn offs.Las Venturas Airport CheckpointsWorld War AceThis is not a race, it's a checkpoint collection challenge. Youcan take as long as you want to complete it. Because of this reason, Ihave not included as much information on these as opposed to the actualstreet races. Be aware that the planes are flying bombs and if youcrash, you die. I suggest you just take it easy and let the plane glidethrough the corona's, rather than flying at full speed.Vehicle Given: RustlerTrack Distance: 6.00 KMYou'll be flying the Rustler over Los Santos. The plane had fairly goodhandling, however if you miss a checkpoint, you'll need to fly prettyfar before turning around to get it again.BarnstormingThis is not a race, it's a checkpoint collection challenge.

Youcan take as long as you want to complete it. Because of this reason, Ihave not included as much information on these as opposed to the actualstreet races.

Be aware that the planes are flying bombs and if youcrash, you die. I suggest you just take it easy and let the plane glidethrough the corona's, rather than flying at full speed.Vehicle Given: StuntplaneTrack Distance: 12.00 KMThe Stuntplane is probably the worst plane to fly in the game.

It'shanding is way over-responsive and you'll find yourself spinning aroundrather than turning slightly to change direction. I suggest using therudders with L2 or R2 and also let the plane glide rather than flying attop speed.

Tapping accelerate works well too. You can take as long asyou want, but this track is pretty long, so you'll need to be carefulfor a good few minutes before you're done with it. Trust me, if you canfly this plane, you can fly anything!Military ServiceThis is not a race, it's a checkpoint collection challenge. Youcan take as long as you want to complete it.

Because of this reason, Ihave not included as much information on these as opposed to the actualstreet races. Be aware that the planes are flying bombs and if youcrash, you die. I suggest you just take it easy and let the plane glidethrough the corona's, rather than flying at full speed.Vehicle Given: HydraTrack Distance: 17.00 KMThe longest race in the game. Done in one of the quickest times. Don'tforget that the Hydra is a Harrier Jump Jet and can fly in hover modeAND flight mode. Hold forward on the R3 stick for about 2 seconds toswitch to full flight, and you'll notice the incredible speed boost. Italso has great handling, but you might miss a few checkpoints because ofthe speed, so be prepared to go back.

I'd say it's best to go into fullflight mode, but glide and hold square to move at a reasonable speed sothat you don't miss any checkpoints.Chopper CheckpointThis is not a race, it's a checkpoint collection challenge. Youcan take as long as you want to complete it.

Because of this reason, Ihave not included as much information on these as opposed to the actualstreet races. Be aware that the helicopters will explode if they taketoo much collision damage and you'll die.Vehicle Given: MaverickTrack Distance: 4.00 KMI'm assuming you know how to fly a helicopter seeing as you're this farin the game, so I'll just say that this will not be a problem at all.Fly through the easy checkpoints in one of the easiest controllablevehicles in the air and make your way around the course.Whirly-Bird WaypointThis is not a race, it's a checkpoint collection challenge. Youcan take as long as you want to complete it.

Because of this reason, Ihave not included as much information on these as opposed to the actualstreet races. Be aware that the helicopters will explode if they taketoo much collision damage and you'll die.Vehicle Given: News ChopperTrack Distance: 4.00 KMWhile this may look like the easiest track ever, and it is, there is anincredible amount of traffic swerving back and forth to different lanes,and it's almost impossible to speed around the track at full speedwithout hitting at least one of them. You can still pull the car backunder control and stay in first place, but after so many crashes yourcar will be up in flames. Stick to the outside, but watch out for theturn offs.Heli HellThis is not a race, it's a checkpoint collection challenge. Youcan take as long as you want to complete it. Because of this reason, Ihave not included as much information on these as opposed to the actualstreet races.

Be aware that the helicopters will explode if they taketoo much collision damage and you'll die.Vehicle Given: HunterTrack Distance: 4.00 KMThe final street race challenge, if you're doing them in the same orderas me. This one isn't hard either and you're in a hunter which has greathandling.

Gta 5 Street Race Cars

Don't fly into the buildings too many times and you'll finishit pretty quick.Design, layout and all images areCopyright of Vendetta, Psy and read our, for more information.

LoadingTo start a race, approach the racers sitting at the on the map and then press Right on the D-pad to begin. Each race will have an entrance fee, so be sure to have the money ready!

Unlike the, these have NO Gold requirements so you'll just need to win 3rd, 2nd, or 1st place.It is highly recommended that you Mod 's car to the max before doing these. Go to and outfit his car with the best wheels, suspension, engine, transmission, spoilers, etc. And you'll be more than ready to outrace your competition.STREET RACE: The Race is the SAME exact race that was done in the ' mission only without the Gold requirements.There are several sharp turns and the first one will determine what position you'll be in. With a fully modded car, you should be able to get to top position before you reach the first sharp turn. Lightly brake and turn and then continue on the path. There is one more deadly sharp turn at the Xero gas station, so be sure to slow up a bit and make the turn.With some careful sharp turns, you should be able to win this race as easily as you did in the ' mission.

Remember, you MUST win this race again along with the City Circuit Race to unlock the Airport race!STREET RACE: CITY CIRCUIT The City Circuit Race is located in and spans nearly the entire city within ONE lap.When the race starts, cut corners at the first right turn to gain top position. If done correctly, you should be in 1st place within the first 20 seconds!

Keep an eye on the checkpoints and don't speed too fast or you'll slip. When you get to the area, there will be several sharp turns that can throw you off, so keep a hand on the brake so that you don't crash!The race is pretty lengthy so keep the pedal to the metal and you should win 1st place easily.STREET RACE: AIRPORT To unlock the Airport race, you MUST complete the first two races. After a day or so, Hao will send you a text message confirming a race at the LS Airport later in the evening. Make your way to the race in the evening and bring the $1000 entrance fee to start the race.The Airport route contains several narrow entrances and some tricky sharp turns.

Gta 5 Race Locations

With some careful maneuvering, you should be able to get into top position just before you exit the freeway towards the Maze Bank Arena. The tricky sharp turn occurs when you reach the railroad tracks in Strawberry, so use a hard brake and then turn.When you return to the airport area, stay on the RIGHT side (the departure lane) and then make the circular turn and back down to the arrivals lane down below for the win.STREET RACE: FREEWAY After completing the Airport race, Hao sends you another text message with another for a race. This the race is located in the La Mesa area and the entrance fee is $1250.Getting into top position will require some tricky driving and dirty shoving. When the race starts, the two starting will get ahead early.

Gta 5 Street Race 3 Not Showing

When you reach the first freeway exit, cut corners at the sharp left turn to gain top position easily.The race is fairly straightforward though the only trcky turn is towards the end of the lap where the checkpoint is in the MIDDLE of the freeway pointing you to drive across lanes ( see screencap above).Other than the checkpoint that leads to the other lane (you'll know it when you see it), getting 1st place in this race shouldn't be difficult.STREET RACE: VESPUCCI CANALS The fifth and final race is a motorcycle race that zooms through the streets of. It is recommended that you purchase (or steal) a motorcycle and then tune it up at LS Customs to have Max Speed and Max Acceleration. When you've got the souped up bike, race it!When the race starts, push the Left Analog Stick forward so that shifts his weight to the front of the bike. This will give Franklin a slight boost in acceleration and get him to the front of the pack within the first 15 seconds ( see screencap above)!The area that will most likely cause some problem is the Promenade shopping center area where Franklin has to squeeze through a long narrow lane. Release the throttle just a bit to slow down and navigate through the narrow lanes to avoid smashing against any walls (and to not waste any Special abilities).As you reach the last couple of checkpoints, there is a super sharp left turn just before the starting point. Be sure to brake early to avoid crashing and then make the left turn and zoom past the bridge.With a fast bike and some quick driving, getting first place for this race should be a breeze.Congrats, you've completed ALL five Street Races! After completing the Vespucci Canals race, Hao gives Franklin a call to congratulate him.

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