Hexa Clothing Mod Aa2

Hexa Clothing Mod Aa2 3,9/5 5123 votes
  1. Aa2 Mods Hongfire
  2. Hexa Clothing Mod Aa2 1

Haven't had any DirectX issues yet, I don't think it would be a first time for this game only, and probably an error would occur. EditI know nothing about any dll and didn't do anything manually related to that or DirectXAbout the mods, well, the ones that went with the download. Like I said, I went with the order of installation from the wiki, and additionally went through the folders 1 to 6 that were from the download, and mods were included.

Maybe not necessary, but I think I would just use all that was offered.One was a clothing mod, I think, and if I am not wrong, it enables clothing editing (or more features in it). The characters are shown when editing clothes, but not in the ongoing game (world). I just want to make sure. Students were assigned to desks before u left ur room right?And as far as the dll.

A snowflaked card is a card that has a custom picture and/or contains clothes on the character that can be loaded into the game. These can range from being just a simple background and clothes swap, to completely autistic with custom-made poses and even a bio if you're that kind of person. This is epic, AA2 custom hair pack ♥ thanks for sharing!

In the directions and that link it talks about how u manually have to edit some dll or some other file. Just win10 peeps have to. That might be the problem?I only did the suggested mods. The huge 20 or 30 gig one i stayed away from. Didnt want to wait a couple hours for that one to finish.I would check the directions again for what im talking about.

If u assigned desks to the created students u should be able to interact with them. I would either roll through the installation again and maybe no mods. See if u can get it going with the default precreated students first. Do the suggested mods only first. Sorry, but thsts all i got for ya.

I don't know what you mean with 'assigned to desks', the only thing I could do was to open some book in the top right corner that shows a roster, in which I randomly generated all students. If you mean that with 'desks'.In the installation it wasn't mentioned, but now I see it in the FAQ part.

It is mostly about performance (lags), not actually missing things, but I will look into it.And I went already a second time through the installation, so it's either the.dll that you mention, or something else.Edit:No, nothing has changed with trying to do it with the.dll.Edit2:The problem is still there without the optional inluded mods. I don't know what you mean with 'assigned to deks', the only thing I could do was to open some book in the top right corner that shows a roster, in which I randomly generated all students. If you mean that with 'desks'.In the installation it wasn't mentioned, but now I see it in the FAQ part. It is mostly about performance (lags), not actually missing things, but I will look into it.And I went already a second time through the installation, so it's either the.dll that you mention, or something else.Edit:No, nothing has changed with trying to do it with the.dll.Edit2:The problem is still there without the optional inluded mods. You must be registered to see the links(or another) to unzip files.2. Installing the base game. Mount C:DesktopAA21- InstallerDISK1.mdf.

If you're using Windows 8 you can mount it without other programs, otherwise you'll need Daemontools Lite (other mounting software has been known to fail with Japanese games, so please use Daemontools Lite - it's completely free). DO NOT autorun, but explore the mounted dvd and right-click Startup.exe and select Run with Japanese locale as administrator (you need HF pApploc for the right-click options). Refer to Startup.exe picture. So im assuming u have win10? Make sure to read the link fully before u install (just in case).It seems like u not using the applocale properly. And if i remember correctly win10 has issues with applocale as well as a directx issue.I would try using the applocale the link suggests this time.I would uninstall current applocale too.All i can say is, make sure to run install manually (no autorun) (mount the larger size image) with applocale with admin rights.Sorry dude.

But its obviously an issue with u using ur applocale. I'll repeat the problem once more:The problem is not generating the characters, but that the entities are neither visible or clickable.

The characters are roaming the world (you can follow them with clicking on the roster (book), and a name will be visible on the top left corner), but not interactable for some reason.I can't say where the source of the problem could be, but the entity / object of the characters are missing, which is leading to not being visible (of course) and not being clickable. And there aren't any interactions except the triggering of the voices when entering a girls area.Except the triggering of the voice it is a chain reaction leading to no interactions, but in order to fix all that the source problem needs to fixed, which could be anything because I have no idea.The files should be the same for all, so there should be no missing files;The.dll that is mentioned in the FAQ just gives performance issues (can't say myself, I mean from the FAQ);I am using Locale Emulator, but I don't think that would be the issue either if I can play the translated game. So im assuming u have win10? Make sure to read the link fully before u install (just in case).It seems like u not using the applocale properly. And if i remember correctly win10 has issues with applocale as well as a directx issue.I would try using the applocale the link suggests this time.I would uninstall current applocale too.All i can say is, make sure to run install manually (no autorun) (mount the larger size image) with applocale with admin rights.Sorry dude. But its obviously an issue with u using ur applocale.

Hexa Clothing Mod Aa2

No fault of anyone here, but people have made several updates and upgrades to AA2 over the years and i'm here to try and help people get up to speed. If you made any girls or what not make sure you bring them over, most information you know of probably won't matter, hell if you even knew what aa2install was you'll likely never need it again too.for starters, people with windows 10 will be able to play this game so long as you get the mini and activate AAU's 'Win10 Fix' on its launcher.Modern Installation Guide for AA2. No fault of anyone here, but people have made several updates and upgrades to AA2 over the years and i'm here to try and help people get up to speed.

If you made any girls or what not make sure you bring them over, most information you know of probably won't matter, hell if you even knew what aa2install was you'll likely never need it again too.for starters, people with windows 10 will be able to play this game so long as you get the mini and activate AAU's 'Win10 Fix' on its launcher.Modern Installation Guide for AA2. No fault of anyone here, but people have made several updates and upgrades to AA2 over the years and i'm here to try and help people get up to speed.

If you made any girls or what not make sure you bring them over, most information you know of probably won't matter, hell if you even knew what aa2install was you'll likely never need it again too.for starters, people with windows 10 will be able to play this game so long as you get the mini and activate AAU's 'Win10 Fix' on its launcher.Modern Installation Guide for AA2.

This is merely a list I put together of good mods to use to get started with creating and playing ジンコウガクエン2 (Artificial Academy 2). I’ve posted this list before in other places but I’d like to repost it with more of my opinions and less objectivity.This program unlocks the true potential of AA2. Body adjustment sliders, POV H-Scenes, H-Ai, card by card mesh editing, tans not restricted to finite slots with colorability, additional hair slots with advanced sizing and positioning, and an in-game poser to name only few features. The program is being regularly updated with new concepts and ways to push the game further and further. While not a mod, this program is a must have and immensely enhances the game. To use just run the exe after you start your Play/Make launcher on the startup window. Without AAU I don’t know if I’d still be playing this game today.

With the new styles and triggers I find myself swimming in new possibilities for girls to make and ways to give each of them their own unique characteristics. When working on my clothing collection the Shadow Sets feature is invaluable by saving me so much time when checking my work. Also anytime I want to do some subtle edits to a game file I can preserve the original copy and just make a set with my little change. I’m really excited to see where the program goes from here.There is this wonderful being updated for AAU if you find yourself at a loss on how to use it to its full potential.Relying on only the base game maker, you are presented with a dismal amount of options. The developers never intended for more than a set amount of choices for the various customizable selections so AAFace removes the slot restrictions on many different maker components allowing you to utilize extra faces, hairs, glasses, and and many more provided by other mods.

Another program you launch in conjunction with your maker, this will help greatly with character creation. When newer faces were being made for the game there was originally no way to see what the face looked like until you actually put it on the girl and checked in the actual game.

I remember someone edited the exes for the maker so they had face 9, 10, etc, but there were still only 7 slots so I found myself switching between them a lot. I remember when AAFace first got made I was reinvigorated with character creation and I could spend much longer with each girl. If you are using AAUnlimited, AAFace is already integrated as a script so its redundant to download.AA2Install is the best tool for adding mods in proper zipped format to your game. Just add the archive to your AA2install mod folder and in the program check the mod you want to install then hit synchronize. Do not unzip the mods.AA2Install ready mods can be identified by.7z archives with an AA2Play folder or an AA2Make folder on the top level. This format is also identical to the AAU Shadow Set format without the data archived. Creating your own AAU Shadow Sets is another way to install/uninstall mods easily.

More information on Sets can be found in the I posted before. UncensorWhen choosing an uncensor you have a few options.Pick whichever you think looks the best. EX Series II is the same as MK-III but with significantly more pubic hair. Whatever you decide will determine what Clothing Collection you’ll need from the next section. Personally I think HEXA uncensor is butt ugly.

HEXA/SVII Clothing CollectionsWhile the base game comes with about 10 outfits, the clothing collections add over 150 additional choices. Both collections contain the same outfits, the only difference is how each one is uncensored. Only download the collection corresponding with the uncensor you installed. For additional outfits not found in these collections refer to the.SVII was essentially abandoned by its creator and fell behind the HEXA CC for a long while. At this point I switched from SVII to HEXACC since I wanted to use the outfits that SVII was lacking.

Eventually I got fed up with having to use the ugly HEXA uncensor so I begin my first serious step into modding and researched what needed to be done to update SVII to where HEXA was. Here I learned about sviex files and how outfits were structured, information that I still use today.

Now I maintain the SVII clothing collection and make sure it stays updated.Looking at the entire clothing collection it really is a product of its time. There are many outfits that either have quality im not impressed with or very basic edits that dont warrant the use of a slot.

The problem with AA2 is there are only a finite number of slots (255) and the number of free slots is almost gone. With eyes to the future I plan on combining my new outfit porting project with the high quality outfits in the current clothing collections and culling the redundant or low quality outfits. I’ll package the removed outfits so they can be used as AAU archive overrides but the main game slots will be reserved for stuff deserving of a slot.This pack contains around 400 additional front/side/back and hair extensions to be used in the character creator. If you are downloading a card from somewhere else this pack is most likely going to be a requirement to display the character correctly.

Aside from that it allows you to greatly improve your character creation.This collection contains over 300 new faces and hundreds of additional hairs/glasses/lips/nipples to be used in the character creator. Like the hair pack this is commonly required to make cards you download from other people display correctly in game. AAFace is required to make use of these new additions in the maker.

As another mod that enhances the potential quality of your characters this is a must have.When starting H with your partner the base game floats you in space over a faded background and, if you are lucky, you might get a little piece of furniture as well. The 3D Rooms collection adds fully 3D environments to all private areas and a few specific outside locations for use during H-scenes. Since H-scenes are a big part of the game this mod is one of the most important ones if you want to seriously improve your game experience.The More Cumming Positions mod translates most of the normal sex positions into additional climax positions while also adding a few new sex positions and slightly tweaking the layout.

Like with 3D rooms, this is a big improvement to H-scenes so it is a strongly recommended mod. Note that if you are using MCP with 3D Rooms you are going to need the compatibility patch located on the 3D Rooms mega.Most outfits have the option to reference a folder in your data directory and freely change the texture of a piece of clothing, most notably the underwear and skirt. The problem with this is each outfit requires one unique folder for underwear and one unique folder for skirts. If you have 200+ outfits your texture folder size starts to increase excessively.

The hardlinker improves this by having a single folder containing all of the textures you’ll ever need and then uses a batch file to create “hard links” for each outfit’s specific skirt and underwear texture folder that point to the root texture folder. This cuts the overall folder size to a fraction of what it could be to save significant disk space. The hardlinker also comes with most if not all of the released textures for underwear, skirts, shirts etc. And the batch file makes it so enabling textures for all your outfits is painless.

Simple and extremely useful tool. Get this if you are interested in customizing your uniforms even further.This pack contains about 30 unique personalities either ported from Artificial Academy 1 or various other sources. While the quality of the personalities aren’t as good as the default ones in Artificial Academy 2, this pack will broaden your creative possibilities by giving you more options. This pack may also be required for many girls you find on the database so it is worth downloading. This is a mod that I personally wouldn’t miss losing.

The only two personalities I use from it are Apricot and Wise and even those sound too awkward for me to take seriously. Ported personalities just can’t quite fit into AA2 in my opinion and I await the day to see a truly good new personality.While not a mod this is a good reference for understanding the game and finding game content. Replacers (Outdated)These three tools are used to replace the default highlight/sclera textures. Utilizing SB3Utility and batch file scripts these replacers take a texture of your choice and mass edit the default sclera shadow, hair highlight, and low poly model hair highlight respectively. While not necessary, these tools are frequently used and are considered staples of good character creation. The Low Poly Hair Highlighter is a little project of mine born from my love of how cute I find the low poly models to be. I couldn’t stand looking at the ugly default highlight on the low polies anymore so I adapted the Hair Highlighter scripts and went through each individual hair located in HEXA HP, OC and the DoLLs hairpacks to make sure they all got their new hair highlight.

Highlight replacement and numerous other replacements can be achieved using AAU Global Overrides so these are mostly outdated.Last Edited: July 26, 2018. Thanks so much for this article but this is probably a very laaate comment. But after months, I really have no idea how to use most of the scripts in the AAUnlimited. Do you have any additional information link how to use them? Because as far as I read the readme file, googledocs readme, and the github page itself. They provide a very minimum explanation at each scripts really does and how it works.

For example, I never made it to work the Geass script no matter what, and what is Jizou Roster? How do I use it? I clicked the corresponding button and nothing happens. Any help is greatly appreciated.Like. The geass script is a very old script that makes every interaction 999% when you hold the modifier key and select the interaction. You can change the modifier key by selecting the script in the list and going to settings. Make sure you hold the button down or it wont work.

The Jizou statue is a statue in the game behind the dojo that shows you interaction levels between the characters and H-stats when you interact with it. When you enable the script it lets you see these stats when you click on the roster on the right side of the screen.Like. Hi max.This mod list was really helpful, thanks for doing it.But going off-topic for a bit, I have barely touched the game as of yet since there is a lot to customize and install before properly trying it out (at least for me), but I got curious about your blog’s “wallpaper”.It seems to be from AA2 but in the short gameplay I watched, there was no first person camera? Is it necessary to have mods installed for such a camera or I am just being dumb/the guy I watched only used a distant perspective?Like. The zip files with the strange numbers after them are archive parts so you can download the mod in chunks since MEGA has a download limit.

Just download all the parts and extract the first 001 archive like any other zip and inside is the AA2Install ready mod.No-dim is a separate mod that alters conversations so a no-dim patch is needed if you use the mod. It makes it so the screen doesn’t dim when you talk with people and adds poses for the characters for those conversations but I think the mod sucks so its not on my list.Like. I need some help if at all possible. I installed AAU and AAFace but when I go into edit and try to use the new faces this is what I get:The face for the one on the bottom is Face 1 Long A but the same thing happens with every other face in the list.I really want to spice up character creation (and have even cuter females) and be able to use all the female character cards that can be found online but for some reason they always end up with a face like the one I linked above. I’m at my wit’s end here.

Doesn’t help that things have a tendency to just mess up for me for no reason, so I don’t know if I’ve done something wrong. Is there some other mod that is necessary to get the faces to work properly?Thanks in advance.Like. Checked and they were there.

Uninstalled and reinstalled but it was still the same. I did a clean reinstall of everything (including the game) and it works now. Not sure what went wrong or where but it’s fixed now at least. So many kawaii girls. Thanks for the response and help!Since I’m already typing, I thought I’d ask one more question if it’s not too much of a bother.

If it’s too much of a bother I completely understand.I installed the 3D Rooms mod but when I try to have H in secret rooms, or anywhere really, the game crashes. I installed AA23D Roomsv16 with AA2Install. I wasn’t sure whether to install the AAU Sets Walls and 3D Rooms Extra too since the readme didn’t mention anything about those. Is there anything else from the zip it requires to function properly besides just the mod itself (such as from the folder “Room Resources”?). I noticed a lot of extra folders that I wasn’t sure what to do with besides the readmes that said something along the lines of “Some have been ported to AA2 already, some haven’t been.” etc.

Also, does MCP v.3 work with 3D Rooms? Because that’s the one I have.

For clarification; when I installed 3D Rooms I deleted MCP v.3 and replaced it with 2.6.2 for the 3D Rooms mod. So I was thinking that maybe I have another mod that conflicts with 3D Rooms or something?

Aa2 Mods Hongfire

I’m not versed in modding so I honestly wouldn’t know. Here’s a list of the mods I currently have installed if that helps:I currently have 3D Rooms uninstalled because I can’t do anything with it installed, so if you could enlighten this incompetent person I would very much appreciate it.


I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank you for listing all these mods. I’ve always loved AA2 but stopped playing occasionally out of boredom, so these mods are exactly what I need to spice the game up. I just hope I can get 3D Rooms to work too eventually. Thank you!Like. Don’t use the alex MCP v.3 use the one thats linked from the list.

Hexa Clothing Mod Aa2 1

Also in my list I mention that if you are using 3D rooms with MCP you need the compatibility patch located in the 3D rooms mega. Uninstall 3D rooms and MCP then install MCP 2.6.2, 3D rooms, then the 3D rooms patch. As long as you install the patch last you’ll be ok.The 3D walls archive is meant to be used on an individual set basis utilizing AAU shadow sets.

The way the game is designed it doesn’t allow different 3D rooms to be used for specific positions so you have to enable whatever wall you want for the couple of positions that use it. It’s annoying and you can just ignore it without much problem.Liked. This may be a little late, but I have a problem with the aa2 maker. I recently installed hexa clothing through wizzard and nothings showing up, I tried to change the clothes in aa2 unlimited and clicked through just about every slot, and only get an invisible torso with legs and a floating head. I’ve tried it through aa2 install, manually, and even checked too see if I had the append set (which I have) nothings worked. Not even other clothing packs. I tried hexa personality and nothing showed up either, am I doing something wrong.

I’ve asked around and nobody seems too have this problem nor knows how to fix it.Like. I just figured out that you could change clothes in aa2play ‘facepalm’. Most of it is working correctly, despite the fact everything looks rather similar, however I’m guessing that it’s not compatible with the maker which is a shame. How would you even know if it was compatible or not?

In aau you can choose in between states however no matter what number I type only 1-6 work. Also is any 7z file compatible with wizzard or do I need to check each file?Thank you for answering despite the fact it’s probably been a while since you’ve gotten any questions.Like. If you first played the game in 2014 hairs were still being made and had their slots moved around multiple times. In the last few years hair slots and clothing slots have been more or less set in stone so if you downloaded a card made in the last 3 or so years it would most likely work fine and would probably require these mods anyway. Also its important to note that most of these mods aren’t mine, they are collections put together by the AA2 modding community. It’s not a case of my mod conflicts with this other mod its more like this mod is the only collection of hairs you can find. A card made a long time ago probably won’t look the same but theres nothing you can do about that anymore since getting the mods that made it look the way it did back then isn’t possible anymore.The bottom line is any card made in the last 3 years either uses no mods or these mods.

These mods wont outdate more cards instead they are required.Like.

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