Saints Row 4 Upgrades

Saints Row 4 Upgrades 4,4/5 6506 votes

Let's see, I use the Day of the Tentacle-themed bat, Captain Mal's pistols, Robocop's SMGs, a blunderbuss, the Disintegrator, Desperado's rocket-launching guitar case, and the minigun arm. All fully powered, of course.I think the.whichever rocket launcher has the guitar case skin might be the most powerful weapon in my arsenal.

The most game-changing upgrade is arguably Damage - Bullet 4, which makes you invincible to enemy bullets. If you have only that upgrade, grenades and such may still hurt you, but even STAG's. Im guessing this is your 1st time playing Saints Row?, if so, 'unrealistic fun' is pretty much what the series is about. And Yes you'll have to backtrack if you want to turn off the upgrades. I played both SR2 and SR3 and 'strategy' is not exactly needed much as weapons are pretty powerful and ducking here and running there and blasting like crazy is all you need, this is not a strategic game. Aug 24, 2013 - Saints Row 4 Early Game: Collecting Data Clusters and Power Upgrades. Take “wall running” and “gliding” early from the jump power tree. Get all the “jump height” and “sprint speed” upgrades you can get. Grab some of the area of effect and damage upgrades to the blast power if you can.

Those SMGs were ludicrously powerful for most of the game, but once I got infinite explosive ammo, mixed with the homing rockets on the guitar case, nothing in the last few missions stood a chance.The Disintegrator is also pretty sweet. Once you fully upgrade it, you can reliably just one-hit-kill everything without needing to worry about its charges. Unfortunately it's a bit crap against vehicles though.As for powers.ehh, I enjoyed the mind control blast, and the standard telekinesis power. Oh, and the upgraded gravity stomp is awesome - stomp 20 guys up into the air, then kill them all with a single (shared) bullet! Originally posted by:Let's see, I use the Day of the Tentacle-themed bat, Captain Mal's pistols, Robocop's SMGs, a blunderbuss, the Disintegrator, Desperado's rocket-launching guitar case, and the minigun arm. All fully powered, of course.I think the.whichever rocket launcher has the guitar case skin might be the most powerful weapon in my arsenal. Those SMGs were ludicrously powerful for most of the game, but once I got infinite explosive ammo, mixed with the homing rockets on the guitar case, nothing in the last few missions stood a chance.The Disintegrator is also pretty sweet.

Once you fully upgrade it, you can reliably just one-hit-kill everything without needing to worry about its charges. Unfortunately it's a bit crap against vehicles though.As for powers.ehh, I enjoyed the mind control blast, and the standard telekinesis power. Oh, and the upgraded gravity stomp is awesome - stomp 20 guys up into the air, then kill them all with a single (shared) bullet!Nice!I personally use (all fully upgraded) red energy sword, Gold Heavy Pistols, Heavy SMGs (very powerful), summer of '79 semi-auto (with upgrade it's fully-auto) shotgun, it's extremely powerful, disintegrator, 'Merica or Dubstep. 'Merica annihilates everything.As for the rocket lauchers. I find unlimited ammo black hole laucher is best. Gets rid of everything really effectively. Especially good against tanks.For powers, I don't like or use the mind control ones at all, I think freeze blast, any TK, regular ground stomp and ice or electricity buffs are best.I don't see the point of gravity stomp because if you freeze them with blast or buff and then regular stomp they usually die anyway.:)I might try the guitarcase fully upgraded RPG though.

Favorite powers?Ice BlastLife Drain TK.I don't use stomp, but I like Stasis.Any Buff.Favorite weapons?-Fist.-Blue Energy Sword: For the health and the feeling of the force.-Wireframe Cumia Magnum (Heavy Pistol): My imaginary gun isn't so imaginary anymore!-White/Black Gangland Heavy SMG: Classic. Powerful DPS on things that don't move much.-Undecided on the shotguns. Pump Action's fun for moving vehicles while the.50 cal skin from GATV is making the Thumpgun feel useful.-Undecided on the rifles.

I like the bounce rifle and the automatic rifle.-Gold Plated Black Hole Launcher is the most effective 'explosive' weapon, but I have a soft spot for the El Fugitivo guitar rocket launcher.-For the specials, it's a super tie between the Block Gun (Sniper Rifle), Abduction Gun, Dubstep Gun, and 'murica.Vehicles?Attrazione and the monster trucks. Originally posted by:Favorite powers?Ice BlastLife Drain TK.I don't use stomp, but I like Stasis.Any Buff.Favorite weapons?-Fist.-Blue Energy Sword: For the health and the feeling of the force.-Wireframe Cumia Magnum (Heavy Pistol): My imaginary gun isn't so imaginary anymore!-White/Black Gangland Heavy SMG: Classic. Powerful DPS on things that don't move much.-Undecided on the shotguns.

Pump Action's fun for moving vehicles while the.50 cal skin from GATV is making the Thumpgun feel useful.-Undecided on the rifles. I like the bounce rifle and the automatic rifle.-Gold Plated Black Hole Launcher is the most effective 'explosive' weapon, but I have a soft spot for the El Fugitivo guitar rocket launcher.-For the specials, it's a super tie between the Block Gun (Sniper Rifle), Abduction Gun, Dubstep Gun, and 'murica.Vehicles?Attrazione and the monster trucks. Very very nice!Agree on the powers, except for the stomp part, it can be really effective with Ice Blast.

And I think we can all agree on Ice Blast being the best blast. I wish Fire Blast was a bit better, I'd like to use it more. Life Drain TK is great. Really the only time I use TK is when I need some health.Nice! I like the Blue Energy Sword too.I also use the Heavy Pistol and SMGs. Very nice!I'm unable to upgrade the Thump Gun, it doesn't show up in the upgrades menu for me. Which is a huge shame because I wanna use the 50.

Cal skin for the GATV pack.:(I definitely think the semi-auto (the America costume, fully upgraded) destroys! Much better then the pump action, in my opinion.Nice, I like the Disintegrator best though. Fully upgraded it 1 hits most things really quickly. At first I thought the Abduction Gun wasn't very good, but now I'm thinking if I used it better and fully upgraded it it might be good. I'll give it a go.Definitely agree, the Black Hole Launcher is really, really good. Only way I can effectively take down tanks (I mean actually destroy them, they're not really hard to deal with by freezing them or throwing them away with TK though).Nice. For me it's between the Dubstep Gun and 'Murica.

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My faves: Fists (you don't really have a customization choice with that one!), tentacle for the hillarious knockback, Alien pistols and alien SMGs (I don't use them much, so I don't bother customizing them much), Inflato-ray for the hilarity factor, Disintegrator because it's a powerful and fun weapon, Black hole gun because it can cause mass destruction, and finally, the Dubstep gun, because it is not only a good weapon once you get high upgrades for it (Especially with infinite ammo:D) and it is pretty entertaining to use! Originally posted by:My faves: Fists (you don't really have a customization choice with that one!), tentacle for the hillarious knockback, Alien pistols and alien SMGs (I don't use them much, so I don't bother customizing them much), Inflato-ray for the hilarity factor, Disintegrator because it's a powerful and fun weapon, Black hole gun because it can cause mass destruction, and finally, the Dubstep gun, because it is not only a good weapon once you get high upgrades for it (Especially with infinite ammo:D) and it is pretty entertaining to use! Nice.I don't really use the alien pistols or smgs, I find them less fun to use and not as powerful.Love disintegrator, black hole gun and dubstep gun though!:).

Saints Row 4 Upgrades

For end-game, everything-fully-upgraded, wandering and random havoc:- Primary weapon: sniper rifle. Fun to use in a firefight, strong-enough to two-hit a Void or to one-hit most aliens (on a headshot), earns some extra cash.- Wide-area destruction: either the Singularity Gun (too easy, so mostly I just use the sniper rifle), or the main gun on the tank. Hell, the tank can kill most ground-bound units by.running them over.- Anti-Warden: Dual rapid-fire SMGs, with Buff.- For the lulz: Churchill four-door sedan, fully upgraded, just running into everything. I do need to experiment more with the Gatmobile, Manipult, and Genkimobile. You can apparently vacuum up pedestrians with the Manipult, but I haven't figured out how to launch them or if it's even possible.Mostly using Frost blast, typically when a tank-ball shows up - freeze in place, dash behind them, shoot panel. Originally posted by:For end-game, everything-fully-upgraded, wandering and random havoc:- Primary weapon: sniper rifle. Fun to use in a firefight, strong-enough to two-hit a Void or to one-hit most aliens (on a headshot), earns some extra cash.- Wide-area destruction: either the Singularity Gun (too easy, so mostly I just use the sniper rifle), or the main gun on the tank.

Hell, the tank can kill most ground-bound units by.running them over.- Anti-Warden: Dual rapid-fire SMGs, with Buff.- For the lulz: Churchill four-door sedan, fully upgraded, just running into everything. I do need to experiment more with the Gatmobile, Manipult, and Genkimobile. You can apparently vacuum up pedestrians with the Manipult, but I haven't figured out how to launch them or if it's even possible.Mostly using Frost blast, typically when a tank-ball shows up - freeze in place, dash behind them, shoot panel. Nice.Sniper isn't my weapon of choice, but still cool.I like dual SMGs with buff against wardens too, and yeah ice blast is really effective against those machines that you have to shoot the green panel at the back.How exactly does one acquire the Manipult in SR4? Originally posted by:You can apparently vacuum up pedestrians with the Manipult, but I haven't figured out how to launch them or if it's even possible.It should be possible, as you could do it in SR3; even launching yourself was possible.All maxed out:Weapons of Choice: Dubstep Gun, Explosive Pistols, Tiny PistolPowers of Choice: Freeze, Stomp (Normal), Buff Freeze, Nuclear Death From AboveVehicles: If I had to use one, I'd steal a Void from an alien.

Otherwise none.The Warden Quick Kill Setup: Freeze Buff Followed By Explosive Wubs. Originally posted by:You can apparently vacuum up pedestrians with the Manipult, but I haven't figured out how to launch them or if it's even possible.It should be possible, as you could do it in SR3; even launching yourself was possible.All maxed out:sr4eagle::Weapons of Choice: Dubstep Gun, Explosive Pistols, Tiny PistolPowers of Choice: Freeze, Stomp (Normal), Buff Freeze, Nuclear Death From AboveVehicles: If I had to use one, I'd steal a Void from an alien. Otherwise none.The Warden Quick Kill Setup: Freeze Buff Followed By Explosive Wubs.:spy: Very nice! I agree, and use a similar set-up.Except Tiny Pistol doesn't appeal to me all that much because it only has a few shots.

Maybe it's better with upgrades?I use Dubstep Gun a bit but I have the DLC 'Murica weapon aswell, and it destroys everything, so it's hard to not use it.Yeah I use those powers like that too, + Health Regen TK when I need health.Ah yeah I don't really use vehicles either, I find it funner/cooler to just run around. But I'm looking to get an Attrozione and customising it a bit.I use Freeze Buff or Electric Buff with either fully upgraded dual heavy SMGs or my special weapon ('Murica or Dubstep Gun). Originally posted by:How exactly does one acquire the Manipult in SR4?I don't remember precisely, but I.think. it was actually just an extremely rare random spawn instead of, say, a quest or challenge reward.

Saints Row 4 Cheats Ps3

Could be wrong about that. I do know that I stumbled upon the Gatmobile just that way - turn the corner, WTF.:DI got the manapult after one of Asha's training mission, I think/Anyway:Powers: Fire blast, gravity stomp, lightning telekinesis (swapped out with life steal as needed). I didn't get many elements on my first playthrough. I'll use Death From Above for travel and barging in on a flashpoint.Guns: I use fully upgraded wireframe pistols as my default, as well as a Saintified shotgun (with maxed out range) when the handgun's not gorey enough.

Saints Row 4 Upgrades Free

For the rolling bots or just random fun, I'll break out the explosive wubs. For sturdy targets, the waffle cone rocket launcher is key. The various special guns generally get swapped out based on my mood. And in tight spots, I'll call in the Destructor tank and just use its turret to blast enemies while safely away from their gunfire.Vehicles: Despite everyone and their grandma blathering on about how useless vehicles are, I like the Chrome Void and the Saints Cruiser (a heavily Saintified Zin Peacemaker). I also have a modified school bus. I want to list the manapult here but it refuses to function. The cannon doesn't turn or shoot or anything.

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